The 30 Day Social Media Content Challenge Returns!

30 day social media content challengeQuite awhile ago we ran our very successful 30 Day Social Media Content Challenge.  It was a smashing success for us but more importantly for our clients.  They found that the challenge removed the shackles which was holding back their success in social media.

As much as social media is in our every day lives in one way or another, it’s still insanely hard as a small business owner to manage both your business and your social media presence!  If you’re like most of us, you struggle to find enough time to fit it all into the average day.  The results usually aren’t that astounding as a result.

This is because we are taking shortcuts and not giving our social media profiles the attention they deserve.  The big hurdle for everyone to get over?  It isn’t how much time you’re investing, but rather the quality of the time spent on social media.  We’ll give you a laser focus on what’s important.

30 day social media content challengeImagine the increases in traffic and sales you’d experience if you could repurpose just the time you’re already investing in social media and use it more efficiently.

With the help of JVI Mobile you work better, not harder; and all the while improving your social media presence and your profits!

30 Day Social Media Content Challenge
To help you we are bringing back the 30 Day Social Media Content Challenge!  Beginning October 31st, JVI Mobile will be guiding a group of small business owners through a very easy, practical, actionable program designed to help you post something new on your social media accounts every day and drive incremental results. This program will accomplish the following:

  • How to post to social media
  • Stay accountable to your peers
  • Learn which networks work for your business
  • Engage your customers
  • Get you in the habit of doing this daily!

However, there is an even bigger benefit to starting now and developing this habit through November.

  You have the opportunity to massively increase your holiday sales numbers!

Let us take the confusion and the stress out of your online social media presence.  We’ll cut through the chaff and show you quick and simple tools for maximizing the return on every minute you invest.  Included are best practices and shortcuts to power your results to new record highs.

Ready to learn more?  Getting started is easy. Click here and you we will guide you from there!

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