Turn Followers Into Customers With These Simple Tips

Turn Followers Into Customers With These Simple Tips

In the past few years, Instagram has developed into a juggernaut of a marketing platform. Everyone is on Instagram, from small businesses to conglomerates, and they all are racing to increase their followers, likes, and comments metrics!

According to Facebook statistics, 500 million users log on to Instagram every day and spend an average of 30 minutes on the platform.

Right now there’s a huge opportunity for those who take action.

If you are a business owner with an Instagram page but somehow struggle to find leads, conversions, and growth on the platform, you’ve made it to the right place.

This article is going to show you the best methods of conversion and the biggest mistakes you need to watch out for when promoting your business on Instagram.

To start off let’s look at what you NEED to be doing to kickstart the process:

The DO’s of Instagram Conversion

Be active with your followers in the community

The key here is to go from building an audience to creating a community of engagers. Remember, Instagram is more than a one-way platform. Audiences want to enjoy your content, but what they really need is to be a part of it. Don’t forget that you’re behind the screen and you have the power to control their actions and influence the steps they take on their journey.

To create an active community on Instagram, remember:

  • Reply to comments
  • Reply to DMs
  • Host giveaways and competitions
  • Encourage follower engagement in your content with call-to-actions and questions
  • Start conversations
  • Post on national days

Switch it up

Consistency is important, especially if you’re a smaller business looking to gain traction and successfully convert your audience into customers. However, sticking to the same content over and over is going to leave your follower’s losing interest. Nobody wants to scroll past 100 images that add nothing to their life. Instead, audiences want familiarity AND uniqueness. It sounds like a tricky combination to pull off, but it IS possible.

To ensure you’re sticking to a regular positing schedule whilst remembering to switch up you need to:

  • Experiment with different formats: Post stories, reels and both short/long form videos to vary the kind of content you give to your followers. This could even mean going live for your followers (building that active community at the same time). To start off, add in some carousels to your content as this is super simple!
  • Vary the content you use in your posts: Filmed a great ad for your business? Show off behind the scenes. Get creative with emojis and stickers and add new people to the mix. As a local business, reinforcing the idea of community is important, so don’t be afraid to involve others in your content.

Become more than just your content to your followers

For a local business like yours, a large number of your followers might be those who live within your area or even come into your physical store if you have one. This makes showing who you are behind the brand even more important.

Don’t be afraid to show the real you and connect with the local audiences you have around you.

Get vulnerable and open up. Consumers love reality and you’ll find, we as a society are VERY nosey, so finding out more about the owners or team behind a brand is crucial if you want to maintain audience attention and start building a relationship with them.

To successfully be you, try this:

  • Incorporate pictures of a day at work into your content with the team involved
  • Reply to comments with the name of the team member who replied at the end of it help create that community
  • Use stories to document genuine business life

These 3 tips are sure to take your business from followers on Instagram to traffic on your website.

By keeping it real, switching it up and getting active online, conversion is guaranteed.

Now, it’s time to take a look at the mistakes you don’t want to be falling into:

The DON’T’S of Instagram Conversion

Avoid over-selling

The most crucial part of transforming followers into customers is by making the transition feel seamless for them. Your audience does not want to be bombarded by boring sales pitches, they want value and relatability. And as a local business, this means incorporating ‘filler posts’ your community can engage with OUTSIDE of the sphere of sales, such as:

Weekend/Weekday posts: Use these as a check in with your audience to see how they are and/or update them on what’s going on for the business that day.

Quotes or sayings: You can’t go wrong with a bit of motivation every now and then to help push through the day!

Tips, secrets or how to’s: Always think about adding value. Help your audience learn more and positively change their life.

Doing more than just pushing sales will help you convert without it feeling like your customers have to do any challenging work or be convinced to take action.

Posting inconsistent content

While it’s important to switch up the format of your content, don’t end up losing your brand image in the midst of it. Sticking to a general theme, tone and voice is important for your followers to get to know your business more and want to become a follower.

  • Make sure your posts flow well and represents your vision.
  • Stick to brand colors
  • Stick to ONE tone of voice for cohesive purposes

Not engaging with your followers

For audiences of businesses, Instagram isn’t just a window shop. It’s a place to interact, learn, chat and so much more. So, why limit yourself by not returning the favour? If you’re a small local business, building a positive reputation and good rapport with your followers will lead to more people visiting your page.

Consumers eat with their eyes and love a place where they feel valued, appreciated, and can get something out of it. So, ENGAGE! Get stuck into the community you’ve created and interact with your followers.


If you're a local business trying to convert your followers into customers, don't sweat it, you've got this!

Creating great content is all about the strategies you use to improve the customer experience even more, and by monitoring your analytics and clarifying your objectives on a daily basis, incorporating these tips into your marketing will be easier than ever!

We want to help you market your business in new, unique ways! Click here to sign up to meet with Jay Vics on the Meet the Experts podcast. Share your knowledge and get your name out there!

Short Videos Are The Key To Driving Traffic And Sales For Your Business

Short Videos Are The Key To Driving Traffic And Sales For Your Business

Are you looking to increase how much traffic your business is getting online? You’ve come to the right place. People are constantly on the move. In today’s world people no longer want to sit through long videos that take up their time. Instead, they prefer short, bite size content that is easy to consume on-the-go.

If you’re a business looking to boost sales and get more people clicking on your site, it’s time to ditch the long videos. Give short-form content a go!

Whether it’s 6 seconds or 3 minutes, changing your video content will give your business the results it’s been looking for.

Firstly, what are short videos?

Most commonly defined as anything under 60 seconds (with some platforms now taking that up to 3 minutes). Short videos are the new marketing go-to.

TikTok and as Instagram’s Reel feature short videos have become commonplace in society. These short videos are exciting and make it easy for customers to engage! This type of content is still on the rise and showing no signs of slowing down.

We all feel more accomplished and satisfied when we achieve more in a day. People want to consume multiple videos in the time it used to take to consume one. Short videos are a great way to keep people moving. Also, to get the information you want as a business across.

Short form content isn’t targeted to one area of business. Short videos can enhance different areas of your site, including brand promotion and product showcasing. They can also be used to announce offers. You will grab, hook, and convert with short videos.

But why are short videos better than traditional long-form content?

We have all seen a blog post that catches our attention. But, even if you’re intrigued by the content topic, you probably won’t read the entire article. This may be due to time constraints or just a lack of focus. Consumers need MORE than lengthy paragraphs to grab and keep their attention. That’s where visual content comes in. Visuals help prospective buyers or clients without trying too hard to keep their focus.

However, long-form video content just doesn’t cut it anymore. Why? There’s no immediacy. People want interest, value, and results- immediately. To do this, you’ve got to be prepared to make the switch to short videos.

Now you know exactly what short-form content is and why it’s such a successful strategy. It’s time to get into how you can use it to increase site traffic.

How can your business drive traffic and sales with short videos?

Add Short Video Testimonials to Your Website

This is a marketing strategy we CAN’T stress enough!

Did you know 93% of customers read online views before buying a product? Yes, you heard us right, a whopping 93% of people look at feedback from others when making their own purchases. So, mix testimonial with short-form video content, and you’re onto a winner.

Having these on your website will provide users with a sense of comfort. They are already familiar with short-form content on their social media platforms. Short videos are also great for answering FAQs without losing the potential customer’s attention.

Hop on the Latest Trends

Thanks to platforms like TikTok, the internet sees a new viral trend or challenge daily that seemingly appear overnight. Take advantage of this! You will be capitalizing on something popular. Also, because you are creating short videos, there’s more chance of people actually watching it. Hopping on trends is a great way to get your brand out there and immerse your business in what’s hot online.

Want to participate in an easy trend? You can find all the latest trends and sounds on the discover page on TikTok.

I have testimonials and trendy ads. What else can I do?

Repurpose Your Content and Repost it on all Social Media Platforms

Posted your short videos to TikTok? Great. Now post it as a reel on Instagram or a short on YouTube. Content is made to be distributed and if you want to increase site traffic it needs to be seen.

And if you want to go even further to achieve a higher conversion rate, slice up your video into smaller clips and use it as an ad creative. Repurposing content is the king of successful marketing.

Hire Influencers for your Ad Marketing or Incorporate Customers into Your Content

Influencers have been involved with business content for a long time now, with this marketing strategy getting popular and staying popular ever since. And short videos are the perfect way to get involved with this.

Having an influencer on a quickly consumed piece of media isn’t just going to get conversations started but get them started about your brand and what you do.

As a local business, you might not be able to reach the perfect influencer for you. If not, don’t worry! Showing works better than telling. Get creative and film your product or service being enjoyed by real-time customers! This is a really effective way of adding testimonial at the same time as advertising and will still give the effect that an influencer would. Content like this works great if your service/product involves a before and after too so that the audience can see a real transition.

How do I get TikTok marketing right?

If there’s one thing your business needs to do, it’s adding value. 10/10 purchases are made because of the product or service’s value-adding properties. Whether it adds aesthetic or makes life easier, adding value is important. This goes for your online content too. Making education a priority in your marketing will improve lead generation and build stronger brand loyalty, as well as increasing that all-important site traffic.

Now you know the best ways to drive forward traffic, it’s time to think about making it happen. And what better way than to take a look at a local business doing exactly that!

Carpet Repair Guys, a business located in Bay Area, found success on TikTok at the start of 2021 and have over 23 million likes and 800k+ followers today.

What’s their secret?

Well, its’s simple. They are authentic and don’t try too hard to be something they’re not. Which is something that’s super important for smaller businesses looking to grow organically online. Keeping it real is really valuable in today’s climate.

Let’s face it, do the internet actively seek TikTok’s about carpet repair? Probably not, which is why their marketing is incredible!

The founder uses light and humorous commentary to show the company’s processes in a satisfying way. By using time lapses of real-time business life, their videos have gone viral on more occasions than we can count on one hand.

Where do I start?

As a local business yourself, you’ll need to find your niche and play around with TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts to find your flow. But all it takes is a few seconds and you’ve got yourself a good start.

Whether you decide to add commentary over business processes like the Carpet Repair Guys or you use trending sounds to bring your videos to life, there are so many different ways you can make short videos work.

And don’t forget, short-form video content is great for starting conversations, and Carpet Repair Guys utilise this activity to respond to online comments in the form of videos and strengthen the relationship they share with the community on the platform.

Keep this in mind as short videos really do open the door to more audiences than you might think!

Be sure to check out the Carpet Repair Guys on TikTok to get some ideas of how you could get started.


If you’re a local business looking for new ways to improve your marketing strategies and create content that sells, it’s time to shift to short-form content and watch your traffic soar.

There is no ‘one shoe fits all’ method of leveraging short video content to drive more traffic for your business. Instead, there are a whole load of strategies ready for you to play around with and find out which one works best for you and your audience!

For more tips, tricks, and bits of advice on everything marketing and more, head over to our website and check out our other digital marketing resources designed for local business.

For more tips and short video inspiration, follow us on TikTok! Also, check us out on Instagram. Keep an eye our for our Marketing Minutes and Tutorial Tuesday short videos!

Are you looking for a unique way to get evergreen video content? Schedule a time to meet with Jay Vics on the Meet the Experts podcast. You can use the FREE video you will receive to make short videos to share on your small business website and social media platforms!

Social Media Comments Can Be Negative: Here’s How To Deal With It

Social Media Comments Can Be Negative: Here’s How To Deal With It

Social media has undoubtedly become a powerful communication and marketing tool. It allow businesses to connect with their customers on a more personal level. Social media also gives customers a voice to share their thoughts about a company or product.

While this two-way communication channel is beneficial for businesses, it can also be challenging. Negative comments are bound to happen. When they do, you should handle them in a way that won’t damage your brand or reputation.

Let’s discuss how to deal with negative comments on social media like a pro.

Make Sure You Respond

Dealing with negative social media comments can be difficult. However, it’s important to remember that ignoring them is not an option. When customers take the time to reach out to you with a complaint or concern, they expect (and deserve) a response.

Not only will a reply show the customer that you care about their experience, but it also shows others that you’re willing to listen to feedback and address any issues.

Of course, it’s not always possible to respond to every negative comment. But if a comment is public and could potentially damage your reputation, take the time to craft a thoughtful response. Check out how we respond to comments and continue the conversation at HowTo.agency on TikTok!

Handle Issues Promptly

In addition to responding to negative comments, quickly take care of the issue that caused the comment in the first place. This may involve refunding their purchase or exchanging an item. Or, simply apologizing for any inconvenience they may have experienced.

Whatever the matter may be, it’s important to take care of it promptly and efficiently. Customers appreciate it when companies own up to their mistakes and try to correct them.

If you take too long, customers may think you don’t care about their issue or that you’re sweeping it under the rug. Delaying will only damage your reputation further, so it’s crucial to nip the problem in the bud as soon as possible.

Be Professional on Social Media

Although it may be tempting to lash out, remember that what you say on social media can be used against you. Therefore, always err on the side of caution and keep your responses professional.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t defend yourself or your business – but you should do so in a respectful way that doesn’t make the situation worse.

Try saying things like:

  • “We’re sorry to hear that you had a negative experience. We appreciate your feedback and would like to make this right with you.”
  • “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We take these issues seriously and would like to look into this further. Please DM us your contact information and order number so we can investigate.”

Taking the Conversation Offline

In some cases, it may be best to take the conversation offline. This is usually the case when a customer is angry or upset. Or, if the situation could escalate if only addressed on your public social media.

When you take the conversation offline, you’ll have a chance to diffuse the situation without worrying about making it worse. You can reply to the comment publicly and let the customer know that you’d like to discuss their concerns further in a private message or over the phone.

This shows that you’re willing to listen and help resolve the issue in a way that is considerate of their privacy.

Address the Issue Directly

When responding to a negative comment on social media, address the issue directly. A straightforward response shows the customer (and anyone else reading) that you take their concerns seriously and are willing to resolve the problem.

For example, if a customer is unhappy with your product, you might say something like:

“Thank you for your feedback. We’re sorry to hear that you’re disappointed with our product. Can you please provide more information about what you didn’t like? We’d like to pass your feedback along to our team and see if there’s anything we can do to improve the product.”

This response shows that you care about the customer’s experience and want to help resolve the issue. It also gives you an opportunity to learn more about what the customer didn’t like so that you can make improvements in the future.

Don’t Be Afraid to Apologize

In some cases, the best way to deal with a negative social media comment is to simply apologize. An apology shows the customer that you understand their frustration and want to make things right.

Of course, you shouldn’t apologize for something that wasn’t your fault. But if there was a mistake on your part, or if the customer had a valid complaint, an apology would go a long way in diffusing the situation.

Some people just want to feel like they’re heard and that their concerns are taken seriously. In these cases, a simple apology may be enough to resolve the issue.

Use Positive Language on Social Media

It’s essential to use positive language when responding to negative comments. However, this doesn’t mean that you should ignore the problem or act like everything is fine. Instead, focus on finding a resolution rather than dwelling on the negative.

For example, instead of saying, “We’re sorry that you had a bad experience,” you could say, “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We want to do everything we can to ensure your next experience is better.”

This response shows that you’re committed to resolving the issue while also setting a positive tone for the rest of the conversation.

Don’t Scrub Your Social Media Page of Negative Comments

While it’s tempting to delete negative comments or hide them from your feed, this is usually a bad idea. Not only does it make you look deceitful, but it also makes it seem like you don’t care about your customers’ concerns.

It’s okay to delete comments that are abusive or that don’t add anything to the conversation. But in most cases, it’s best to leave the comment up and respond directly. These comments show that you’re willing to listen to feedback, even if it’s negative. If you only have good comments or reviews, it might start to look suspicious!

Use Negative Comments to Improve Your Business

Finally, it’s important to remember that negative comments can actually be a good thing. They provide you with an opportunity to improve your products or services and show your customers that you care about their experience.

As a business owner, you should always look for ways to improve. So, if you’re getting a lot of negative feedback about a certain aspect of your business, use it as a chance to make positive changes.

So next time you get a negative comment on social media, don’t panic. Instead, just follow these tips, and you’ll be able to handle it like a pro.

We want to help your small business acheive your big marketing goals! Reach out today to book your time on the Meet the Experts podcast. Get your name out there!

Link Building Matters In Your Business: Here’s Why

Link Building Matters In Your Business: Here’s Why

If you’re running a business, your website needs to be as visible as possible to potential customers. One way to do this is via effective link building. Good link building can help improve your site’s ranking on search engines and ultimately drive more traffic your way.

In this article, we’ll discuss why link building is still an important part of local SEO and some of the best ways to go about it.

Why Is Link Building Important?

There are a number of reasons why link building is still an essential part of SEO, even in 2022.

First and foremost, it’s one of the most effective ways to improve your site’s search engine ranking. In fact, 58% of SEO experts believe that link building significantly impacts search engine ranking.

Building relevant and local links is vital if you’re trying to rank higher in localized searches and certain keywords.

Besides increasing your SEO ranking and driving more traffic to your website, several other benefits come with link building. These include:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Improved relationships with other businesses
  • More opportunities for joint ventures and partnerships
  • The ability to reach new audiences

If you’re not already incorporating link building into your SEO strategy, now is the time to start. It’s an essential part of any successful SEO campaign and can provide many benefits for your business.

Using Local Citations

Another excellent tool for SEO that is like link building is using local citations. But what are they?

Local citations simply mention your business name, address, and phone number on other websites. They help improve your visibility in search engines and lead to more traffic and customers for your business.

A local citation references your business on the internet and your name, address, and phone number. They are also called “mentions” or “listings.”

You can find citations in directories, review sites, social media platforms, apps, maps, etc.

Getting People to Link to Your Business

One common question that businesses have is how to get other people and websites to link to their business. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. But, there are a few methods you can use to increase your chances of getting links.

These include:

  • Creating great content: This is one of the best ways to get people to link to your site. In addition, other businesses and websites will likely link to it if you produce helpful, informative, and engaging content. Check out the unique content we’ve been working on for TikTok!
  • Reaching out to influencers: This involves contacting people with a large online following and asking them to promote your content or mention your business in one of their posts.
  • Submitting guest posts: Write articles for other blogs in your industry in exchange for a link back to your website.

Local link building should be a key part of any marketing strategy. Only 6% of website content receives backlinks. You can improve your search engine ranking immensely by getting ahead of your competitors.

Finding Local Backlinks for Link Building

One of the most important things to keep in mind is relevance when it comes to link building. You should focus on getting links from websites relevant to your industry or niche.

For example, if you own a local business, getting links from other local businesses or websites makes sense. The same goes for if you have a blog about a particular subject. For example, if you have a blog about pet care, you would want to get links from other pet-related websites.

Here are a few ideas of where you can find relevant backlinks for your business or website:

  • Local directories: These websites list businesses in specific categories, such as the Yellow Pages or Yelp.
  • Local news websites: If you’ve been featured in a local news article, there’s a good chance they will include a link to your website.
  • Industry-specific websites: These are websites that focus on a specific industry or niche.
  • Relevant resource pages: These pages list helpful resources for people in a specific industry or niche. For example, if you have an article about car care tips, you could get links from resource pages that list the best car care tips.

By keeping relevance in mind, you can make sure you’re getting the most valuable backlinks for your website.

Excited long-haired girl having fun during work with computer. Indoor photo of smiling female freelancer using laptop in cozy cafe.

Creating a Link Building Strategy

Now that you know why local link building is important, it’s time to create a strategy. Here are a few tips to help you start link building:

Set goals

First, decide what you want to achieve with your link-building campaign. Do you want to improve your search engine ranking? Increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Once you know your goals, you can create a plan to achieve them.

Research your competition

Look at your competitors and what they’re doing. Are they getting links from local directories? Guest posting on other blogs? By understanding what they’re doing, you can get an idea of what’s working and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Create a list of target websites

Make a list of the websites you want to get links from. As mentioned above, these could be local directories, news websites, industry-specific websites, or relevant resource pages.

After you have a list of target websites, reach out and build relationships. You can do this by guest posting on their blog, sending them an email, or connecting with them on social media.

Using Google Maps and Other Platforms for Link Building

In addition to traditional link-building methods, there are also some platforms you can use to get links. For example, Google Maps is a great way to get links from local businesses.

To get started, search for your business on Google Maps and claim your listing. Once you’ve claimed your business listing, you can add your website to it. This will add a link to your website, which can help improve your search engine ranking and drive traffic to your website.

Another platform you can use for link building is social media. You can use social media to connect with potential customers and promote your business or website. For example, you can post links to your articles on Twitter or Facebook. You can also use social media to connect with other companies and websites in your industry or niche. Social media is king at HowTo.agency:

The Bottom Line

Even now, link building is still an important part of SEO. By understanding why it’s important and how to get started, you can create a successful link-building campaign for your business or website.

Remember, Google Maps and other platforms can also help you get more links to your website. Don’t forget to take advantage of these platforms as well.

By following these tips, you can make sure your link-building campaign is successful and that your business or website gets the exposure it deserves.

Great- you’re campaigning your business with link building now! We want to help you acheive your business goals in other ways, too. Reach out today to book your time on the Meet the Experts podcast. Get your name out there!


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