Chatbots – Facebook Messenger Marketing

Why Chatbots?

Facebook Messenger is one of the leading messaging platforms on the planet. They began allowing businesses to communicate with clients and fans on a one-to-many basis at the end of 2016. This opened the door for developers to begin building artificially intelligent (AI) chatbots to help improve their online support, FAQ,  and customer service abilities.

Be available to customers

When a messenger bot is working for a business, the business owner doesn’t need to be available 24/7. Customers can still make purchases and get answers to their questions without any wait, and without getting frustrated that the business isn’t available to help them.

A better understanding of your customers

Businesses always want to learn more about their customers so they can provide them with the products and services they really need. Messenger bots allow you to see what your customers are asking, how they’re interacting with the bot, and generally get to know them better.

Low cost

Not only do messenger bots not cost a bundle to create, but business owners can choose how much they want to spend on creating their bot. Once the bot is up and running, there’s virtually no cost to maintain it and whatever costs there are, they’ll still be very low.

An immense reach

Literally millions of people use messaging apps every day. When a business uses a messenger bot within these apps, that’s millions of people making up their audience. There are very few other types of online marketing, or business services for that matter, that can boast that same kind of reach.

Handle lots of customer requests simultaneously

As a business owner, it’s impossible to deal with every customer at once. While you can get to all of them, it takes time. And people can become frustrated by the wait. Messenger bots are the answer. They can handle hundreds of requests simultaneously without limits.


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